Garage: 01525 404226
    Mobile: 07860 874384

Ampthill Motors is a family business which has been established for over 20 years in Ampthill, Bedfordshire.

Our skilled mechanics use the latest diagnostic tools and equipment, meaning that we can quickly find and repair any electrical or mechanical problem that your car may be experiencing.

Our workshop is up-to-date and fully-equipped, enabling us to fix any type of problem on any make of vehicle, regardless of whether it is a lawn-mower, quad-bike, car, van or 4x4.

We provide a range of car servicing options designed to keep you on the road, and ALL of our work is FULLY GUARANTEED.
We are a name that you can trust and rely on.

Read some of the comments made by some of our many happy customers.

Car repair and diagnostic services:

  • Mechanical repairs
  • Servicing
  • M.O.T
  • Clutches repaired
  • Brakes replaced
  • Cambelt changed
  • Air-conditioner servicing

For a free quote on any vehicle, call Ampthill Motors now on 01525 404226 or 07860 874384.